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ebay 1.4.1 and presta 1.5.2 fixed, no sync


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We've been battling with this for a while until yesterday.


problem: official presta 1.4.1 module, wouldnt show template with tinymce (just raw html), and the ebay sync wouldnt allow you to select any categories. so no way of syncing.


the older 1.3.6 module worked ok, but would stall sometimes when pulling in new orders (creates customer, but doesnt add an order)


found the problem last night in 1.4.1 in shipping.tpl, check the path to fancybox js file is correct for your installation. Ours was different path.


Been watching the module today and so far it is behaving.


P.s. this was for ebay uk

Edited by wernervn (see edit history)
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