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Can't add CMS Block information

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Hi all,


Having some trouble adding things to the CMS block. I have all the pages made and when I go into the CMS Block module I click "Add New". In there I pick that I want it on the left, check off the ones I want added and click save. After doing so nothing shows up in the Left Columns section and at the bottom of the page I get the follow error:


[PrestaShop] Fatal error in module f69875466b6014a6d742e6091dacb2abdf5c2f55.file.form.tpl:

str_repeat() [function.str-repeat]: Second argument has to be greater than or equal to 0


Can anyone help me get this fixed?


Appreciate it.



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The function probably called is this one:

str_repeat(' ',($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['cms_category']->value['level_depth']-1)*4))


and comes if I'm right from the file:


The source string is:

<td><label for="{$id_checkbox}" class="t"><strong>{str_repeat(' ', ($cms_category['level_depth'] - 1) * 4)|cat:$cms_category['name']}</strong></label></td>



What it wants to do is indent the line with 'level depth'*4 spaces

As 'Home' is normally level '1' it subtracts 1 (i.e. -1) from the level.


The only category that has a level 0 is 'Root', so if tis one is chosen, 0-1 = -1*4 = -4 is given as 2nd parameter to the function str_repeat, which is invalid.


So somehow you probably chose 'root' as item to show in the cms block, instead of 'Home', causing this problem.


Do you see anything that looks like 'root' or some other category or item that is depth_level=0 or maybe has ID=0?


My 2 cents,


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