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Price not calculating according to weight

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Hi all,


I am using Prestashop 1.5


i have added product weight and in admin- > shipping -> shipping

selected "According to total weight"


But when i try to checkout.. I am seeing "Free Shipping"


if I put some value in admin -> shipping -> shipping -> Handling charges


then only that value shows in the shipping charges.


Why it is not calculating shipping charges according to weight?


Please help me..



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Which version exactly?? there are many 1.5.x


Are you logged in? as in versions prior to 1.5.4 there was a "flaw" that was showing free shipping until a customer logs in.


I am using PrestaShop™


I know there must be something i am missing and i tried everything but nothing worked. i tried to set weight range, price range, but it doesn't work.


I am NOT logged in, I am using it as guest.


I have set the price per unit, and product weight. The shipping should be calculated according to the weight. but it is NOT. In shipping it only shows the value which is set in as "Handling charges" in admin->shipping


Can anyone please help me?



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There is little bit more to setting up the shipping.


You will need to assign each of your carriers to the zone it will deliver to. Each of the countries will be assigned to a zone also.


In order to add a shipping value prestashop needs to know to where it is to ship and by which carrier. This will be based on the customers address and the carrier they select during checkout.


So in summary, create the carriers you require. Assign the carrier to the zones it will ship to, set your weight ranges for eaxh carrier and then the shipping fees for the weight and zone for each carrier.


There are many posts about setting up the shipping, feel free to search and read.

Edited by Dave L (see edit history)
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