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Changing the default logo

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I just installed PrestaShop I'm trying to change the default logo to my logo. On the Preferences > Themes page in the Appearance section, I'm specifying the logo (which is the right size and format, jpg). Then I'm pressing SAVE.


The page goes white and hangs. No error messages. No matter how long I wait, when I refresh the page the Preferences > Themes page reloads, but the the default logo is still there on the front and back end.


I've tried to load a different template. The template loads fine, but I cannot change the logo. I've changed back to the default template.


Is this a folder permissions issue?


Nick Paonessa

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Yes, Vekia. I tried clearing my cache and I tried it in Chrome, FireFox and IE. Same result.


Wippa, I do not see "Smarty Cache" in any of the menu options. I did a search in the admin section for Smarty cache but nothing comes up. I only started using PrestaShop this morning although, I have a lot of experience with Magento. Can you point me in the right direction?



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I went to Advanced Parameters > Performance. I tried various combinations. I'm still getting the same result. Are there settings you can recommend?


Also, when I go to products or suppliers, I get;

Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefromjpeg() in /home/guitarge/public_html/classes/ImageManager.php on line 365


Is this related?



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I installed it from a pre-installer called Softaculous. I initially had a problem with a blank screen both on the store and admin. That was fixed by setting the variable _PS_MODE_DEV_ set to 'true' on line 28 in file config/defines.inc.php.


Then I was getting another error to do with the Rijndael.php file. I fixed that by changing the value of "PS_CIPHER_ALGORITHM " in " ps_configuration " table from 1 to 0 in the database.


I'm only telling you this in case it's related. If you think installing it manually will fix this issue, I can delete everything and I can install it using the file from prestashop.com. I'm in the evaluation stage. I haven't loaded products or anything yet. I would really like to use this product. Any help you can provide would be appreciated.



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Hi Vekia,


You were right. I installed it using the installation package and there are a few things in PHP that need to be turned on or off. The installation package does a check for that. The Softaculous script just installed it and set up the database. I have a call in to my hosting company to get the issues resolved.


Thanks again.



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