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[solved] Header in wrong place after upgrade

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Hi I recently upgraded to the last prestashop and since then my header seems to be on the wrong place. The whole header area seems to have gone missing and now it overlaying the rest. I adjusted my logo but that doesn't do anything.

Anyone who knows how to fix this?


much appreciated my webshop is: http://www.theproudo...ashop/index.php



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HI Vekia, it seems my header.tpl fil is alright.. can you see anything wrong? sorry not too good with the html code myself. Many thanks! my url: http://www.theproudotter.com/prestashop/index.php


<!-- Header -->

<div id="header" class="grid_9 alpha omega">

<a id="header_logo" href="{$base_dir}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">

<img class="logo" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" {if $logo_image_width}width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if} {if $logo_image_height}height="{$logo_image_height}" {/if} />


<div id="header_right" class="grid_9 omega">





<div id="columns" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix">

<!-- Left -->

<div id="left_column" class="column grid_2 alpha">



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