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Address form fields missing during registration

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Hello all,


There was a problem with the shop that was supposed to be fixed by someone else, but he didn't manage to finish it. He manually updated it to apparently from a significantly older version, managed to fix most things but this one.


When registering a new account, most of the form fields are missing, only "Additional Information", "Home phone", "Mobile phone" and "

Please assign an address title for future reference

" fields are visible. When trying to submit the form, it gives an expected error being:


There are 6 errors

  • country ID is required.
  • lastname is required.
  • firstname is required.
  • address (1) is required.
  • city is required.
  • Invalid token


I am a complete Prestashop noob (first encountered it a few hours ago), so I have no idea from which angle to approach this problem. I thought it would be possible just to code up the missing fields, but after reading the forum with users having similar issues I realized that it's not really an option, and it seems that these fields are present in the authentiation.tpl of the theme anyway, but not displayed for some reason. Don't know what mess has been done here before me so cannot really say much. What I've tried to do so far based on the existing forum advice and failed:


1. 1-click updating to Still same.


2. Changed themes. It currently uses the default theme, I've tried changing it to the other one that was available but it had the same problems. The authentication.tpl files of the both themes seem to be identical.


3. Disabled all countries except the one required. For some reason, there were two entries for the required country in the table with same names and ISO codes (which isn't supposed to be possible?), one with an address format specified on the "edit" page, one without. Tried the both, deleted one to only have one left, still same.


4. Made sure everything in "Localization" and shipping is correct and no extra stuff is there.


5. Files address.tpl and addresses.tpl seem to be identical between both themes.


Any other advice on what to do? Thanks in advance!

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  • 7 months later...
  On 5/28/2013 at 12:20 PM, vekia said:

go to the:


localization -> countries

click on edit icon near the each country you have active and check the box with address format, have you got there something like:



i have an problem with address, if user trying to type with my langugae carachter he will get error that invalid , but if typeing with en letter passed


any advice 

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  • 2 years later...

I check localization->countries inside


Address Format      :   firstname lastname\r\ncompany\r\naddress1\r\naddress2\r\ncity


                                   State:name postcode\r\nCountry:name\r\nphone\r\nphone_mobile


Format is not show properly add \r\n field extra. how to resolve it. 

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  • 1 month later...
  On 1/4/2017 at 10:59 AM, kirubanidhi said:

I have same issue... did you resolve it?



I check localization->countries inside
Address Format      :   firstname lastname\r\ncompany\r\naddress1\r\naddress2\r\ncity
                                   State:name postcode\r\nCountry:name\r\nphone\r\nphone_mobile
Format is not show properly add \r\n field extra. how to resolve it. 


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