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Mails - Spams and stuff

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hello Everybody,


I come to you today because my company have some troubles with automatically mails sent from prestashop to mailsbox.


I explain :


When you have a forgotten password, on yahoo.com with new accounts the mail never arrived. As the new account mail confirmation.


It is sent directly to [email protected]


About the customer part, when we talk with them, some of them and more for the last weeks, mails never arrive to them and came back to us to our mailbox.


It is a problem from some SMTP config ? A black list from mail providers ?


The thing is we don't do any emailing campaign. We are a little company.


With around 20-30 orders per day and around 10 messages from customers per day.


The problem is, right now its complicated to aim the problem of this mail trouble because we don't really know if it is from the mail provider or our configuration.

However on gmail we never have trouble.


It appears on Yahoo / Hotmail some times . And strange others.



Thank you,


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