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Manual order creation is not working

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I was hoping that the new manual order system would negate my need for a plugin but it seems like there are some issues I can not get around.


I have upgraded from 1.4.3 to and when I go to create a new order manually I have issues with both the shipping and the tax.


When I move to the front end I am getting this error on checkout:

Notice: Undefined index: city, in /home/.........../cache/smarty/compile/5e/04/02/5e040272cdbaa4a43a5edb2938344dd63528dd75.file.shopping-cart.tpl.php on line 679

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When I go to the next page in the checkout where you tell it where you want to ship, my address and such displays just fine.. I can then select my delivery address.. HOWEVER, when I then go to the final page to select a carrier it says there is no such carrier for my location!

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OOh ok I have some movement now. It seems that my template did not have the best code for so what I did was I looked at the code that the default template used and plugged it into my template and now I am no longer getting that error..


HOWEVER I have now uncovered a LARGER more frustrating one.

Help is hugely appreciated:


I have my UPS carrier show in my carrier section underneath the "cart summary" which is expected. When I select a carrier and "UPDATE CART" nothing happens to the total. I can even see MY addresses listed below


If I click "next" to move on to the shipping area of the checkout I am still presented with "no carriers deliver to this address








** note that I have also tried this with the default PS theme files in place as well.

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Ok so after a bunch of tweaking of the settings, I was able to get the delivery methods to display. I had to delete and resetup the UPS module and now it works. GREAT!


I have encountered some new questions which I will create a new topic for .. thanks?

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