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[solved] Search by product description PS 1.4.x


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I have a PS 1.4.3 running a custom template. I almost went out of my mind, because I wasn't able to make ****** search function to work properly. Because I do not know a lot about programing I learn through this forum and try to implement new solutions in my shop.


No matter what I did, search function wasn't working properly. With some searching on this forum I found a brilliant solution and I would like to share it with you if you will find it useful:


1. open /classes/search.php


Delete or /* */ lines from 170-188


 foreach ($words AS $key => $word)
		if (!empty($word) AND strlen($word) >= (int)Configuration::get('PS_SEARCH_MINWORDLEN'))
			$word = str_replace('%', '\\%', $word);
			$word = str_replace('_', '\\_', $word);
			$intersectArray[] = 'SELECT id_product
				FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'search_word sw
				LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'search_index si ON sw.id_word = si.id_word
				WHERE sw.id_lang = '.(int)$id_lang.'
				AND sw.word LIKE
				'.($word[0] == '-'
					? ' \''.pSQL(Tools::substr($word, 1, PS_SEARCH_MAX_WORD_LENGTH)).'%\''
					: '\''.pSQL(Tools::substr($word, 0, PS_SEARCH_MAX_WORD_LENGTH)).'%\''
			if ($word[0] != '-')
				$scoreArray[] = 'sw.word LIKE \''.pSQL(Tools::substr($word, 0, PS_SEARCH_MAX_WORD_LENGTH)).'%\'';


and change it with this:


$intersectArray[] = 'SELECT distinct p.id_product
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl ON (p.id_product = pl.id_product AND pl.id_lang = '.(int)$id_lang.')
WHERE pl.description LIKE \'%'.pSQL($expr).'%\'';


look at the last line... WHERE pl.description


pl. description is a table in sql database if you have this in the code you will be able to search by words in product description, you can also make it to search by description_short or meta_description, etc...


I hope this solution will be as useful for you as it is for me :)

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