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Bad performance when works with products

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Hi every one.

I have problem with performance when i try editing products.

When i click Information price seo categories all works and loading but when i click suppliers one time show me tab.

Now tab suppliers and stocks give me blank site.

APache work on 100% 4 cores time execude with 10 minuts don't change anything. Memory is used only in ram not for HDD iowait is smalest than 3% mysql serwer don't load more than 5% of cpu with other services witch work well.

The problem is with prestashop But one this products which have problems use attributes if have some around 40 tab stock is loadable with time 5 minutes but on down o site give me time 0,7 sec and this luck like somethings wrong with overlay.

If is some around 60 attributes cannot anything work with this 2 tabs


Somebody have any idea on this problem

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How much memory_limit does your webspace has ? For Prestashop 1.5. you should have not under 128M. Any extra modules installed ? You can track SQL-query (and others) problems by activating debug modus.


Open on FTP your file /config/defines.inc.php and activate the code as below:


/* Debug only */
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);
if (_PS_MODE_DEV_)
@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', true);
/* Compatibility warning */


and also the following line in the second block after


define('_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_', true);


All errors coming should be eliminated.

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Presta is for 2 days i upgrade to new version

My storage system is innodb

Memory limit i just set on 150 Mb but Higher don't change anything

I thing this is similar problem or this same but i don't think is problem with mysql.

They look query time is similar to me i have some better but time rendering site is very long.

I check this sql quires from phpmyadmin and check times and compare with debug i see on this same machine phpmyadmin take queries faster for example for

SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE c.`name` , cl.`id_lang` , IF( cl.`id_lang` IS NULL , c.`value` , cl.`value` ) AS value, c.id_shop_group, c.id_shop
FROM `ps_configuration` c
LEFT JOIN `ps_configuration_lang` cl ON ( c.id_configuration = cl.id_configuration )

presta take some 10 sec phpmyadmin take 0.0009 s


And You good see time to first byte is very long on issue

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Besides SQL-query problems for PS which we cannot fix by ourselves, your site has other problems. TTFB (Time to first byte) this is a server problem and should be solved by your provider. Google the net for time to first byte. Than you have some problems with an ajax-script from cloudflare module, and some other with blocksocial and statistics module


Here the test of your page: http://www.webpagete..._HJ7/1/details/

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The problem with the cloudflare module you should report on bug-tracker. This modules need too much time.


I've edited the topic, because it's not a default module. The default module is CloudCache. So nothing to report on bug tracker in this case. Seems that it is coming from your host ?

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You are hosting where ? You must be aware that if you are hosting your shop thousands of kilometers abroad on the other site of the world the first request to your DNS and back passes thousands of back-bones and this also causes slow down. The best hosting is one in your country, or at least on a server near or in your country.

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Yes TTFB is shorter when i change MPM and go to another problems apache sometimes with worker or event sometimes die :/

and some other upgrades i must do but not be bad now.

Cloudflare module is dynamic add by cloudflare.

I know this page :)

But main problem is with queries with attributes and this is not problem with CDN because I use another domain on this structure without CDN and problem still exist.

And of course site is load much time but is another problem. Main problem is with admin tab when i worked with products and attributes when i have many attributes i cannot work with only 2 tabs .

And quires on debug takes 134 ms

DB type: DbPDO
SQL Queries: 64 queries
Time spent querying: 134ms



Load time: 1.049s

   config: 225ms
   constructor: 0ms
   init: 26ms
   checkAccess: 0ms
   setMedia: 2ms
   postProcess: 4ms
   initHeader: 10ms
   initContent: 422ms
   initFooter: 0ms
   display: 359ms


Ok Webpage give max 4 sec .

And if i click stock in product on backoffice time 500s is too short and apache use 4x2,25Ghz cores on 100 % and site loading loading this is not normal

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