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[solved] How to remove free space under the footer?

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i checked your website and the main problem in this case is with:


<img src="http://load.s3.amazonaws.com/pixel.gif" width="0" height="0">


you've got it in your page source code. Can you check footer.tpl file located in your theme dir? does this code exist there?

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{if !$content_only}


<!-- Right -->

<div id="right_column" class="column grid_2 omega">




<!-- Footer -->


<div id="footer" style="width:100%; clear:both; display:block; overflow:hidden;">

<div style="width:980px; display:block; margin:auto; clear:both;">



<p class="center clearBoth"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('index', true)}?mobile_theme_ok">{l s='Browse the mobile site'}</a></p>







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i checked your scripts / widgets one by one, here is the solution:


<script src="http://loadus.exelator.com/load/?p=388&g=001&c=20210&j=d&ctg=Other" async="" defer=""></script>


you've got this in your header section


this load script:

var xl8image = document.createElement("img"); xl8image.src = "http://load.s3.amazonaws.com/pixel.gif"; xl8image.width="0"; xl8image.height="0"; document.body.appendChild(xl8image);

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you're welcome :-)


btw. you want to use addshopers module?

if so, together we can try to modify it if you want :-)


i marked this thread as solved


if you've got any questions - feel free to continue discussion here



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