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So I am looking at PS after coming across EK-Si POS.

Going through the demo. I do not see the ability to apply matrixes.

If you don't know what that is. It is a way to asociate Size, Color, etc to a product and it itself is tracked as an indiviual item.

Example - TShirt.

Print A (Sku on invoice/order form,PO is COPA01)

You have the shirt in 3 different colors (Blue, Red, Grey) and 5 different sizes per color.

(SM,MED,LG, XL,XXL) (Small,Medium,Large,Extra Large,Extra-Extra Large)

Each comes Prelabeled with an identifier tag. Tag has a the SKU and a UPC. Even though the SKU is the same per Size/Color. UPC is different per color per size. So each one is tracked as stock.

1 Product - 15 different UPC's attached to thier respective attribute/value


Does this exist in PS or available as an add on anywhere?

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Well no replies...

But tonight I came across a similar post (searched before... love gremlins) So it handles this via "Combinations"

Very tideous but works to a degree.


I have PS to not show OT OF STOCK attributes. This should be able to be PER PRODUCT! What happens to those items you dont track by stock levels?


So on the test proudct I setup, I have 3 colors availabe in a few sizes. It shows 3 color "cubes" and has a drop down for sizes.

You have to select each size to find out if its in stock per color way. (OK... )

SO 2 things. First How to have it list color and beside that a list of available sizes for that color ONLY ?

The other is how to have PICTUREs of the other other color ways and not the default color block?



PS seesm to fail like every other OS Ecomm app.

That the people who create never used a POS system. A matrix system is a must for softgood and most hard good retail.

Now Im not dogging it or them. Just stating somthing. Hell even high priced ones don't do it. I spent 2 years awaiting Light***** and purchased 2 Macs to find out they didnt incorperate this ... So my store would go from 5000 items to 500000....


Anyone want to give me an old version of 360commerce?

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