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Add to Cart Not Working

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When I enabled the ps mode to true I got many errors on the admin panel and did not allow me to go into modules.. so that I turned that back to off.. and I have disabled the pinterest and blocknewproducts2.. still not working add to cart.. can I give you backpanel access and Cpanel access to see what else you can find?

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How customizable is the shopping cart? The way standard prestashop stuff is it does not work correctly for my flowershop service.

I want to give customers the ability to select pick up from our store or deliver to their address.. per item. all on the same invoice. Calendar is on my site with specific rules already configured.. But then if it's pick up, customers can get directions to our store. We may have another store soon, so they should be able to pick from the store that they like.. and if delivery then it should be allowed to only for a list of specific zip codes which are now stored in a table and different delivery fee applies per product based on the delievery zip code.. And I have some rules that I want to apply for delivery fee.. for example if product is over $99, delivery is free. and if someone orders two products for delivery to the same location and zip code only 1 delivery fee should be charged.. I have not been able to find a module that does exactly this. There is extra fields for checkout and 1 page checkout module. but they don't necessarily do this exactly.. And then summary, confirmation emails and PDF's should be formatted the same way like checkout. Multishipping that prestashop has does not really work because it splits the order in two and creates two invoices and separates everything.. I want to still have the same invoice. I have created a word document with how I was thinking the checkout summary page should look like. This kind of functionality already exists in www.proflowers.com and done somewhat differently in www.adelaides.com I have tried to find a developer that can do this, but so far has not been successful. Also proflowers has the reminders service/module. which I want also and its part of the reason to ask for occasion and who the gift is for on the product page.. so that it can be stored into a reminder with the date. for next occasion (email with a coupon)

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If you can not access the modules tab after turning error reporting on, then there is a high chance that the problem is coming from a module.


You mentioned that it worked recently? Have you installed or configured any modules since the last time you knew it was working? If so, try and disable or delete them, but always make sure to have a back up.

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this is what happened recently.. I have worked with a developer originally who has been working on building this website for nearly 6 months. He asked me to buy the Attributes Wizard Pro from presto-changeo and Paypal Payments Advanced from EGrove Systems because this was his suggestion on the solution to add "extras's to products and offer selections for vases and baloons.. And I wanted to use the paypal payments advanced as I have already signed up with them and have been paying $5 a month for that service. I wanted to keep customers on my site for checkout. He has also wanted me to sign up with godaddy hosting because he knows them best and so on. He has also asked me to buy the SSL certificate which I did.. He has never connected the SSL certificate.. He found I think a solution on the calendar through a module company ecommy. And finally he had a family situation and left and have not been heard from in more than 1 month.. Then he emailed me that I should find another developer to complete the project. At that time I have started learning what prestashop is and what it does.. I don't really have a preference in what system the site is built in. I just want to have the features that we need for our flowershop business. I was wondering and contacted godaddy hosting several times about the slowness of the site.. They told me that there are coding and image issues on my site and I need to fix them. But as I learned more and more their servers are just very slow.. With them unless I go to a dedicated service I can't use cache or anything else and so I have decided to move my hosting to siteground.com I have used them before and did a test to copy the files and database and their response time from servers is super fast even without the cache on. and they allow 4 different cache options on their shared hosting accounts..

However I tried to locate someone to move the site over and correct the shopping cart customizations.. So far it's been again unsuccessful and a lot of time went by. This is a live site that my customers can and should use. He seemed to FTP a newer version of the prestashop software and these issues have now started.

I do have the site still with godaddy accessible by IP only. and the shopping cart works there.. but ecommy date picker does not, because the developer of the module said that it's only certified with specialorderflowers.com domain.

One of the reasons I think the developer uploaded the newer or cleaner version of my site is because he wants to work on the shopping cart modifications in a clean environment. I am not sure.. I prefer that all the development work is done on a copy of the site and then deployed to live site once ready and tested. but it has not been a good process for me at all. Very frustrating.

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  • 2 months later...

Suddenly i have the same "add to cart not working" issue with a installation.


- In Firefox i cannot even add product to cart i get a


"Impossible to add the product to the cart.


textStatus: 'error'

errorThrown: ''

responseText:..." pop up error.



- In Chrome & IE product is added but cart empties on any next click i make.


I have disabled Paypal module, no luck.

Enable error reporting but no error logs are created.


I could use some help, shop is not working...

Edited by yanc (see edit history)
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Suddenly i have the same "add to cart not working" issue with a installation.


- In Firefox i cannot even add product to cart i get a


"Impossible to add the product to the cart.


textStatus: 'error'

errorThrown: ''

responseText:..." pop up error.



- In Chrome & IE product is added but cart empties on any next click i make.


I have disabled Paypal module, no luck.

Enable error reporting but no error logs are created.


I could use some help, shop is not working...


is there any chance to check your website? im interested in logs from browser console, it looks like javascript parse error (ajax query)

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turn off error reporting and everytihng will work well. it's because ajax query can't "run" function because of warning message that you've got


Warning: Division by zero in /home/www/yan73/XXXX/www/blog/wp-config.php on line 28 Warning: Function
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i checked your website once again, i can add products to the cart (no errors appear) but after every page refresh all products disappear from the cart. I think that this issue may be related to the "varnish cache", are you sure that your hoster didn't change that server setting?

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i checked your website once again, i can add products to the cart (no errors appear) but after every page refresh all products disappear from the cart. I think that this issue may be related to the "varnish cache", are you sure that your hoster didn't change that server setting?


My hosting company said no varnish is used.


Also the problem doesn't exist for registered users, if that helps.


edit :plus, i cannot logout unless i clear cookies.




In my case the problem was that i made a Wordpress blog like this www.domain.com/blog which apparently messed things up and when it moved to www.blog.domain.com everything worked again...note that the problem insisted with AND without rewrites enabled..what can i say..

Edited by yanc (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having the same problem when the website is on the server, but it does not happend when is on the localhost.


can someone throw some light on the issues cuz this does not make sense for me at all.


thanks kenko



it is possible to check your website? it's hard to say what's going on there without an access to it

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i dont know why!




i am getting frustrated about this cuz it is working with chrome and ie, the adding of items to cart.


but for me opens on all browsers.


just out of interest, is usual to have so much issues to creat a simple online shop? cuz i am just finding everithing very difficult to be working.


could it be the server or thats just not be the issue at all



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i use 3.5.8 i believe is the one it was updated.


it seams all well configured


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Edited by kenkokafe (see edit history)
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I dont know i have not changed anything from the actual prestashop

i just installed the module configured the api and the password and other things and... well nothing else.


I cud change it or check it, but could you clue me up on how to do it.



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Well, actually somebody must have, because you are actually loading your website in an Iframe. The original website is here http://decobal.com/vtienda2013/gb/


Did you not know this?  :huh:  hmm


Well the fact is, PayPal does not allow payments to be done through an Iframe so you would need to find an alternative solution. I just tried with your "other" main URL and everything worked fine. 

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you are a saviour!!


must admit i did know about the "redirectioning" to the server. i did not know that was iframe.


you cant imagine how much i apreciate your help.


i will have to contact the server and demand to have the dns´s changed to the actual domain.


is that right?



imany thanks again

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Talk to your hosting provider but did you have a Developer work on your site as well?

If you mean as in changing tpl files or things like that.just a bit changes due to the need to make age restrictions.

Otherwise,I have no changed anything.


Why are you asking?

Talk to your hosting provider but did you have a Developer work on your site as well?

If you mean as in changing tpl files or things like that.just a bit changes due to the need to make age restrictions.

Otherwise,I have no changed anything.


Why are you asking?

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  • 4 months later...



I also have a Prestashop running on a test site (bocane.com) but after I complete the work on it it will be on bocane.ro.

Only every once in a while I cannot add to cart (i get the usual message that I added to cart, but the product is not actually added). I tested mostly on Chrome.

This only happens if the cart is empty (never happened for the second product added to cart) and I cannot manage to understand why it happens.

I have deleted PayPal. I have a custom checkout module installed, but the error appeared before that.

The friendly url is activated, the server suppports is as I have a live Prestashop 1.4 running on it with friendly url activated,

The Shop domain and SSL domain set in the backoffice are both bocane.com (without www)

Any thoughts would be highly appreciated.


Thank you!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have had the same issue as above 



Initial problem which has been fixed by updating my PHP on hosting 

"Impossible to add the product to the cart.

textStatus: 'error'
errorThrown: ''
responseText:..." pop up error.


However I am now getting this error when trying to pay.



PayPal response:
TIMESTAMP -> 2014-04-15T16:32:27Z
L_ERRORCODE0 -> 11800
L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Invalid Data
L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> Your request is too long. Check URLs and other long strings.


Now It is a Paypal error message.... after speaking to Paypal they have said:


I found a new SetExpressCheckout call for item "BLUESKY SHELLAC UV STARTER PACK" in your flow logs page whose quantity is "1" repeated about 500 times which is causing the same error message.

You should use the variable

L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0= "10" or "20" or "200" etc.

You can use the format "1" "1" "1" only for different items being sold (with the variable paymentrequest_0_name to specify the name of each single item) and not for bigger quantity of the same item.


My site has not been able to take payment for 5 days now I am pulling my hair out with this...


any help would be great.

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