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[solved] home featured load problem

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hello every one,

I wish if some one could help our website www.vapegenie.net

we have prestashop 1.5.3 install and we have a theme deco-evo 2.5 installed

since we had this theme and we got a lots of problems i managed to get through with most of them

the default theme never work again after we installed deco-evo

the main problem that we have is: the page load very slowly almost 7s (not acceptable by search engines) we optimized all images and install cloudflare and this help a bit but not much

if you access the page you will realize that the home featured product images will appear for one second then disappear and then load one after anther (very annoying).

Any help is aprecheated

Best Regards


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if this is the case then where to start?

Also I realized on bo there is an error (To use the CacheFS directory must be writable.) however i donot have cachefs folder what soever on our server

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I suppose that the problem is with preload.js script

you've got there:

$(function(){$('.hft img').hide();});var i=0;var int=0;$(window).bind("load",function(){var int=setInterval("doThis(i)",500);});function doThis(){var imgs=$('img').length;if(i>=imgs){clearInterval(int);}$('.hft img:hidden').eq(0).fadeIn(500);i++;}


I think that you should try to remove this script from the page content. I don't know how this script is included (because i don't know the source of the .tpl / modules that you use), but you should try with:


go to the header.tpl located in your theme directory, does the code:

<script type="text/rocketscript" data-rocketsrc="/modules/stylechanger/js/allfix/preload.js"></script>

exist in this file? If so, try to remove it (don't forget about backup!)


if this code doesn't exist,


try to disable stylechanger module

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Hello, I found the script under stylechanger module and i used {* *} to suspend the script clear the cache and force re compile and test it. the problem still there how ever when i disable the slide show module the web work amazing it load in 1.2 second my guess now is that was part of the problem bust i still have some issue with slidshow module iam going to disable ccc again and try to find what is wrong with that module, I'll keep you posted thanks so much for directing to to the right way.

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Hello Vekia,

i just disable slideshow module to work on it could not find anything wrong with after i re enable it the website works as it should be

So i goning to mark this as solve and once again thanks so much for your time you rock!

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