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[SOLVED] Price Doesn't Update With Different Combinations


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Hey guys,


So I made my product options with the product generator, and the price increases and reductions show in the cart, but they do not update on the page while the user is selecting.


I checked and my currency is set to 1.


Are there any other causes for this?


Thanks in advance,



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Hey Bill,


I made the theme myself off of this SEO HTML5 template that the create said was tested on 1.5.3.


I'll look into the CSS and JS, however the only JS I have added was at the beginning.


I'm going to do some more investigation and I will post here with any additional information I come across, also I will let you know how the backup goes.


I saw the default.css error a while ago and didn't think much of it, I will look into that as well.


I'll keep in touch.


Thanks so much,



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