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[SOLVED] Billing based on total weight

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Okay, so I thought by changing the billing to "according to total weight" it would offer the shipping appropriate for the total weight of ALL products.

But it doesn't.


Say I have 3 carriers.


Carrier 1 is for weight range 1kg - 2kg.

Carrier 2 is for weight range 2kg - 5kg.

Carrier 3 is for weight range 5kg - 10kg.


Now say all my products weighed 1.4kg.


If someone adds one product, total weight is 1.4kg -> Use carrier 1.


If someone adds two products, total weight is 2.8kg -> Use carrier 2.


If someone adds three products, total weight is 4.2kg -> Use carrier 2.


If someone adds four products, total weight is 5.6kg -> Use carrier 3.


But it doesn't work like that.


It offers the carriers based on a single products weight.


Why? How do I make it the way I want it?



Edited by jd.creative (see edit history)
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