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[solved] Default Language not working

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Hello my website is www.casinada.es ;


I am working with my new template from template monster and it does support both English and Spanish, in fact if you visit it you will be able to see that you can choose English or Spanish and the FO automatically loads the translation correctly. However the main problem i have is that when you load my site www.casinada.es it automatically loads English as default adding /en/ suffix after the domain.


I went to my BO to Localization >> Localization, there Spanish is set as default language, Euro as main currency. But this is not working, it loads English and Dollar, i had to remove dollar in order to see euro, but i dont want to remove english language because i need both english and spanish.


Is there anyway to force the template to load Spanish translation editing any of the template files manually?

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it's really weird that you have got internal server error becasue... htaccess should be regenerated automatically.


have you got an access to the php error log? you can find there more informations about internal server error you/ve got

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