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I have a question related to line spacing using the tinyMCE. For some reason you can not change the line spacing. This is really annoying as the line space by default is very small. It even gets on top of each other depending on if you use headings for instance.


If I try to paste the text from word, the tinyMCE automatically adjusts the line spacing to its default setting.


How can I work around this?


Thanks for your help

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Odd, it sounds like you have a CSS issue with your line-height property. This could either be coming from an unwanted inline CSS property or from a mistake in your stylesheet.


Have you tried making use of the "Paste as plain text" button? This will eliminate any unnecessary carryover of unwanted styles from Word. If you still get the issue, try pressing the "View HTML Source" and checking for anything regarding line-height. Alternatively, you could possibly be increasing the font-size while keeping the line height at a static value, which would cause a very similar issue.


If none of the above solutions work the issue may be coming from within the theme css itself, though this is impossible for me to confirm without viewing the site directly. Is the issue occurring on all of your content or just one section in particular?

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