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Checkout issue

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Am I the only one to realize the checkout formula is not efficient for e-commerce conversions? Wether you activate the one page or five step checkout, the same problem seems to get in the way. No final summary before payment !


- The client adds items to cart and then checks out. He sees a summary with taxes and totals. These numbers should not be shown unless they were referring as sub-totals.

- The client then logs in or creates an account, witch alternates taxes and shipping fees to the previous summary.

- After logging in, shipping options are selected witch can also change the total charges.

- Surprisingly, the client is then offered to checkout, without getting an updated version of the summary (unless he refreshes of goes back to the top of the page, witch is unlikely).

- Next step is the payment meaning that the client has no idea of what he is paying for.


Does anyone have magical solution to this problem? Adding a step to the cart process seems difficult and sticky carts are not always good solution. This issue is costing us a 40% reduction in conversions and clients are constantly calling to understand the right pricing.


Thanks in advance.



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