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Error on saving / changing products

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Whenever I try to update a product (either old or new) and I'm trying to change the price, shipping, associations, then save the product, no changes are saved, but I get this error message:instead:

400 Bad Request


Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


the browser is trying to open a page which looks like this:



I'm using PS


Server: Apache

PHP version: 5.3.15

MySQL engine: MyISAM


Check your configuration

Required parameters: OK

Optional parameters: Please fix the following error(s)

  • fopen
  • magicquotes

Yet in the php.ini the settings are:


register_globals = Off


; Magic quotes



; Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data.

magic_quotes_gpc = Off


; Magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc.

magic_quotes_runtime = Off


; Use Sybase-style magic quotes (escape ' with '' instead of \').

magic_quotes_sybase = Off


allow_url_fopen = On

allow_url_include = On


In addition, the htaccess file in the root directory contains this:


<ifmodule mod_php5.c="">

php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0

php_value register_globals 0

php_value session.auto_start 0



Could someone please help?

Thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It seems that your php.ini is being ignored by the system. Are you on a shared environment? if so you should definitely ask your hoster. If you're on a dedicated server be sure you're editing the right php.ini

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  • 2 months later...

I had the same problem. With my host it turned out to be a result of their php security settings. They informed me that they would make an exception for my account. Solved the problem.


They still have limited ability to fully support all of what Prestashop requires. I'm looking into alternative companies at the moment so I can have a plan B set up in case I need to make a quick switch.They sent me the following. May help you if you decide to see if you own host can make accommodations or not.


OR maybe the Prestashop devs can work on some code that wouldn't conflict & cause security issues that result in poor performance and hours/days/weeks/months of wasted time.




I checked your account and followed the instructions first provided in this ticket which led to the 400 error. While checking the Apache error log on the server, it appears that the issue was that the request was conflicting with a ModSecurity rule on the server. However, updating your items through Prestashop is obviously not a threat to the server so I have made an exception to this rule for your domain. Once that was in place, I was able to modify the description without any errors. Unfortunately I was unable to find any other warnings/errors with the modules you mentioned previously. Could you please specify where you are seeing them? Please let us know if this is still an issue or if you and have other questions or concerns, as well as any way to replicate the issue so that we may look further into it.




Thank you for your patience. Because our shared servers run SuPHP, we can not install APC or Xcahce on a shared domain with SuPHP on it as they are not supported. As for Memcached, while this is supported by SuPHP, we can unfortunately not install this on a shared environment because of security reasons. If you wish to use any of these, we would need to upgrade you to a dedicated server. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.




I rarely post because problems I see usually have multiple posts containing solutions or alternatives, but since this seemed to have so few posts related to it and no solution or alternative posted (and I had the same problem) I couldnt leave people hanging when they have the same problem and no solution. At least with this, some people may be able to have a clearer idea of whats involved.


Now go make that $$$

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