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Price according to the group or state

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Hello to all,

I wanted to know if it was possible to show customers or products according to the group they belong to, or depending on the state in which they are located.


A user can see some Italian products, while a German only other products.

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You would need a module and/or hack to set the visitors group based on country. This is an interesting feature that I might look into providing in the near future. (thanks for the idea).


As for price/product by 'state'. Native ps works at the country level. There we can define prices/discounts that can be defined at the country level. For example you can have different 'specific prices' for Germany and Italy. However there is a diconnect between logged in and non-logged in visitors. i.e. non-logged default to your shops default country, so if you shop default country is Italy but your visitor is in Germany, they will see Italy prices until they log in, then it will change to Germany 'specific prices'. That is not what we want. Native PS allows you do somewhat overcome this with their Geo Localization feature, but the problem still is that when the customer logs in, PS will use that country....which can change their view...again not good.


My Geo Targeting module overcomes this by setting the country based on IP for logged and non-logged, thus your German visitor will always see German 'specific prices'.


More information for the Geo Targeting module:




Edited by eTiendas.co (see edit history)
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another viable option is to use native PS multishop, you could the define a .it and a .de domain (ccTLD).


This will overcome most of the inherent issues with a single shop and localization in that you can then define by shop the default country, which affects the view of the visitor both logged and non-logged. This will also significantly increase your shops organic SEO as well as set different default group for each shop (I'm pretty sure about that but should be checked).

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