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'Can't load customer object'

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Hi all,


Since a few days I get an error message when updating the track and trace number in an order.


The TnT number is updated, but it goes wrong when Prestashop wants to send a mail to the customer with te TnT number. I get the following error message:


Can't load Customer object

at line 296 in file controllers/admin/AdminOrdersController.php


290.	  {
291.	   // Send mail to customer
292.	   $customer = new Customer((int)$order->id_customer);
293.	   $carrier = new Carrier((int)$order->id_carrier, $order->id_lang);
294.	   if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($customer))
295.	    throw new PrestaShopException('Can\'t load Customer object');
296.	   if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($carrier))
297.	    throw new PrestaShopException('Can\'t load Carrier object');
298.	   $templateVars = array(
299.	    '{followup}' => str_replace('@', $order->shipping_number, $carrier->url),
300.	    '{firstname}' => $customer->firstname,


It has something to do with the code above, but I don't understand what and how it has come to this. Anybody has some ideas?


Thank you all in advance.

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