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[SOLVED] change payment options icon dimensions?

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hi all.


i am having a really hard time changing the size of one of the payment options images on my shop.


i have asked for help in the spanish language forum but no joy, nobody seems to know or they don't have time to respond so, while i hate to double post, i am hoping an angloparlante will be more "in the know" here :)


the paypal and cash on delivery image dimensions were easy to change, all i did was upload a new image to the server folders and they changed, no probs BUT the bank wire image does not behave the same way :( instead of appearing as uploaded, the page resizes it to the dimensions of the original prestashop default image for bank wires and i do not know why. this results in distortion of the image, not cool.


i have looked in my theme's global.css and in the bankwire.css files but i cannot find where to change the dimensions of the image.


see attached "pay methods" capture.


the bank wire icon should be the same size as the cash on delivery one but it has been forced to resize by some code somewhere.


any ideas?





Edited by fixgear (see edit history)
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