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[Solved]Attribute values, adding, editing...

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I think I am going crazy... :(


I need to change something in an attribute, on public name. After editing the public name of the attribute, click save, it says update succesfull, but nothing has changed...

Of course, I deleted cookies, cache memory, from firefox and from regcurepro, restarted windows...but everything is the same.


More, in firefox, and only in firefox, if i try to edit the attribute, I am asked for the password ( of the super admin), enter it, and again, without gaining acces to the attribute editing, just asking for the password...


Everything begun when i wonted to add a new attribute, and after saving, there was nothing...


To be more interesting, seems that sometimes ( and i can't see any logic) on front page it shows the changes i did.


It is like I live in a parallel reality...who knows...

Edited by Alain Costea (see edit history)
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Seems it have something to do with

Use this attribute in URL generated by the layered navigation module.


Before i begin to have these problems i deactivated this option. When i tryied to reactivate...the haos begun. I did all that in firefox with the attribute at witch now i can not acces anymore . . from firefox.


I repeated the operations, but from ie, with another attribute... and surprize: now i donțt have acces to that attribute...but only from ie...


Is it allright? Or I am wrong...

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I found this solution on a forum:


Can you take a look into your smarty cache folder. /cache/smarty/cache

if you have some file please delete all and test again to navigate under category.


I had a index.php there, with:


header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");

header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT");


header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");

header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);

header("Pragma: no-cache");


header("Location: ../");



I deleted it. And now everything is ok.


I don't know why, how, but it worked...

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