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module to be hooked product details page how?

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I am developing a module. The module has been hooked into left column and right column and its working fine with that. Now I want to show the module in product deatils page. So for that can someone tell me how to hook my module to the product details page? Any help and suggestions will be really appreciable.

My code for leftColumn and rightColumn is like this

 function hookLeftColumn()
   $defaultLanguage = (int)(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'));
   global $cookie, $smarty;
   $result="SELECT status,app_id from "._DB_PREFIX_."storeblocks";
   return $this->display(__FILE__, 'stores.tpl');

 function hookRightColumn()
   return $this->hookLeftColumn();

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You have many options there, like







And likely others that i can't remember. Notice that the third one is only used to hook the list item for the tabbed navigation, while the last is used for the content of that tab

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