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[solved] Block appears after registration or authentication

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Yes, I want to disable a block for unlogged users...


okay, now it's clear for me what you exactly expect :-)

I've got last questions: what prestashop version you use?


this is very important question, because everything depends on this

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yes, for example, if you want to disable suppliers for unlogged users, open the:


modules/blocksupplier/blocksupplier.tpl file (remember that this file may exists also in themes/modules/blocksupplier/blocksupplier.tpl - if so - you have to append changes there)


the first line of the code looks like:

<!-- Block suppliers module -->
<div id="suppliers_block_left" class="block blocksupplier">


instead code above use this:

<!-- Block suppliers module -->
{assign var=context value=Context::getContext()}
{if $context->customer->logged==1}
<div id="suppliers_block_left" class="block blocksupplier">

as you can see - i added the context variable {assing var=context ...} and if condition: {if $context-> ...}



at the end of the file add close {/if} condition tag:


<!-- /Block suppliers module -->

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