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Radio Buttons on product detail page

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Hi All


On my product detail page, I have added some 'attributes and values'...The attributes and values have been set up by me in the prestashop admin area. The attributes are for 'colour' and 'size' additionally in the prestashop admin I have set up the size attribues for each product to show as radio buttons....Therefore when I view a product on my website my size attributes are as 'radio buttons'.


My question is as follows: Is there a module, or an easy solution to change the radio buttons to ticks. I'm looking for a solution that changes the radio button to a .png or .gif as a tick.


I am aware that I could use jquery to accomplish this but this solution causes a conflict with the prestashop system and I simply need to know if there is an easy module based solution to accomplish the above.


A screen grab is attached of my current product detail page. Any solution would be much appreciated.


Many thanks in advance







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