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[solved] Restoring backup failed. Need help.

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My 1-click upgrade from 1.4.3 to failed and the rollback didn't work so I have had to resort to restoring the backup of my 1.4.3 site which I had saved to my hard drive.


However it doesn't work, I have the back office but the front office does not load. My site has been down 3 days and I'm stressed! The shop has been up for two years and has many products.


I followed the Manual Update documentation (http://doc.prestasho...?pageId=5374295) but when deleting my server files some files remained, 'access denied' in Filezilla.


So I contacted my Hosting company and they changed the PHP 5 support from 'run as an apache module' to run as a CGI application'. I was then able to delete the remaining folders and make the full upload of my backup. However my site still still not work, no front or back office, so I changed the PHP 5 support back to 'run as an Apache module' and then the back office worked but still not the front office.


I would appreciate any assistance urgently!



I also get these errors in the Configuration tab but I have set all folders to 755 and files to 644:

AdminInformation.gif Check your configuration

Required parameters: Please consult the following error(s)

  • Set write permissions for config folder
  • Set write permissions for tools folder
  • Set write permissions for cache folder
  • Set write permissions for sitemap.xml file
  • Set write permissions for img folder and subfolders/recursively
  • Set write permissions for mails folder and subfolders/recursively
  • Set write permissions for modules folder and subfolders/recursively
  • Set write permissions for themes/prestashop/lang/ folder and subfolders/recursively
  • Set write permissions for translations folder and subfolders/recursively
  • Set write permissions for upload folder and subfolders/recursively
  • Set write permissions for download folder and subfolders/recursively

Edited by vekia (see edit history)
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Thanks Alexander.


My Hosting provider showed me the error logs:



[Fri May 17 08:16:54 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Smarty error: unable to write to $compile_dir '/usr/local/pem/vhosts/142803/webspace/httpdocs/silverjewelleryireland.tld/tools/smarty_v2/compile'. Be sure $compile_dir is writable by the web server user. in /usr/local/pem/vhosts/142803/webspace/httpdocs/silverjewelleryireland.tld/tools/smarty_v2/Smarty.class.php on line 1095


I have changed the smarty folder to have 777 and 755 and it still does not work.

Can you or anyone else assist?

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  On 5/20/2013 at 7:16 AM, PaulJW said:

Thanks Alex.


My site is working again. I manually uploaded a backup from my hard drive then changed the server PHP5 setting to 'Run as Apache module' and that solved it.





thanks for information that it works for you now

im really happy that everything is fine


now i can go ahead and mark this thread as solved



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