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where is my shopping cart?

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I am new here and need your help. I installed the prestashop played a bit with the design but when I press "add to cart" (in hebrew it's הוסף לסל) it doesn't do anything (are does nothing, depends how you look at it...).

I notice I don't have the shopping cart visible on the sidebar. I looked and the module is installed and enabled.

What's wrong?


shop url: http://yogly.co.il/

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you probably removed block user info from top.


If you want to add cart, for example to the right column, go to the:


modules -> positions


click on "transplant"


From dropdown select block cart module, and attach it to the "display right column" hook.


save changes and refresh your frontpage

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Hi chanansh,


I have seen your site. you have either disable "User info block" module or uninstall it. that's why your shopping cart is not visible.

If you wana show in header then enable/install "User info block" module. your cart will appear in header section.


If you don't want cart in header section but in left/right side then simply hook(show) "cart block" module in that section.


process is login as admin -> modules -> positions -> Transplan a module

and select cart block module hook into "Left column blocks" known as "displayLeftColumn" or "Right column blocks" known as "displayRightColumn" and click on save.


just refresh and check your site

shopping cart will be now in left/right column.

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