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print products (in pdf) categories and subcategories...

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how print in pdf products of categories?
example: (categories)

> apple
> windows
> linux
   >> ubuntu

> office
  >> 2007
  >> 2003
> openoffice

i need print products of categorie linux. print all products this categorie and their subcategories.

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We offer a web service called "Catalog-on-Demand":http://www.catalog-on-demand.com. It is a subscription-based web service that allows non-technical business people to produce professional-quality PDF catalogs from their e-commerce site. The starting subscription fee is around $10 per month.

We have been in business for more than 15 years. Until recently, almost all of our customers were large companies. Now we are focused on bringing our technology to small- and medium-sized businesses who already have e-commerce sites. The benefit to these businesses is that custom catalogs help them continue to sell AFTER the visitor has left the e-commerce site.

We are seeking an experienced partner who would like to create a plug-in to help hook up Catalog-on-Demand to PrestaShop. We would propose a revenue-sharing arrangement. The first version, for purposes of testing the waters, should take less than 10 hours of development.

Please email me via this forum if you are interested!
Best regards,
Tim Hennings

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