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[solved] Shopping Cart does not disappear!

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The other day I set up the shopping cart on the right vertical bar, the problem is that now appears on both sites (right and up), I turned off the section positions but still the same. How do I disable?


I use the default template


Thanks in advance!

Edited by vekia (see edit history)
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go to the modules -> positions


search for "hook Top section" and remove block cart from list.


if this will not work, go to the:


modules / blockcart / blockcart.php


and you've got near the 207 line something like:


public function hookTop($params)
 return $this->hookRightColumn($params);


comment the return, like this:


public function hookTop($params)
 //return $this->hookRightColumn($params);

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okay now it's all clear. So, in this case it is necessary to edit .tpl file of this module.


open this file:




remember that sometimes this file also exist here themes/_YOUR_THEME_/modules/blockuserinfo/blockuserinfo.tpl

if so - you have to edit this file instead the first one.


okay, so you've got there something like:


 <li id="shopping_cart">
  <a href="{$link->getPageLink($order_process, true)}" title="{l s='View my shopping cart' mod='blockuserinfo'}" rel="nofollow">{l s='Cart' mod='blockuserinfo'}
	    <span id="cart_blockuserinfo">{displayPrice price=$cart->getordertotal(false)}</span>
  <span class="ajax_cart_quantity{if $cart_qties == 0} hidden{/if}">{$cart_qties}</span>
  <span class="ajax_cart_product_txt{if $cart_qties != 1} hidden{/if}">{l s='Product' mod='blockuserinfo'}</span>
  <span class="ajax_cart_product_txt_s{if $cart_qties < 2} hidden{/if}">{l s='Products' mod='blockuserinfo'}</span>
  <span class="ajax_cart_total{if $cart_qties == 0} hidden{/if}">
   {if $cart_qties > 0}
 {if $priceDisplay == 1}
  {assign var='blockuser_cart_flag' value='Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING'|constant}
  {convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false, $blockuser_cart_flag)}
  {assign var='blockuser_cart_flag' value='Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING'|constant}
  {convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(true, $blockuser_cart_flag)}
  <span class="ajax_cart_no_product{if $cart_qties > 0} hidden{/if}">{l s='(empty)' mod='blockuserinfo'}</span>



remove it and save changes to this file.


in some cases - after any change in the .tpl files - it is necessary to turn force compilation on


let me know if this method works for you



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was solved!

but I had this problem. Look at the picture, how I can separate it a little more?


this is the image: http://s2.subirimage...mp_8443097o.png


Thanks in advance!


hey, sorry to bother you, but i suggest to create new thread because it is a different case (not related to main case in this thread)


Im convined that new thread = quick solution for the issue


i marked this thread as solved



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