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[solved] Photos to large on the Browse the mobile site link

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When you click on the Browse the mobile site on my footer, on a computer, it loads perfect. Problem is when you click on a category the photos load full size, and my photos have to be large. (snap shots of websites) They do not look well at all. Page below.




How can I reduce the sizes to look normal.


Funny thing is, on actual mobile devices they look perfect.


If there is no solution how can I take the link Browse the mobile site off the footer.



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Thanks for answer, I thought that would do it, but when I went to change it, I had that all ready ticked. So I tried the last box, both smart phones and tablets, but still no luck.


Do you know the file that the wording and link are, I will delete it, so it does not show up on the footer.


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go to the themes/YOUR_THEME/footer.tpl file


you've got there something like:


 <p class="center clearBoth"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('index', true)}?mobile_theme_ok">{l s='Browse the mobile site'}</a></p>


just remove / comment {* *} it

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you're welcome


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