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[SOLVED] Product Images don't show up in PS

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Hello. I am using, for first time, the latest version of PrestaShop and the latest compatible version of a 'bought' theme. I am experiencing issues regarding the Product pictures. Both in the administration panel and the e-shop, I get errors like 'questionmarks' as you can see in the pictures attached below. Why is that? How can I fix this? Regardspost-567632-0-69988500-1368657216_thumb.pngpost-567632-0-36394900-1368657230_thumb.png


I also have the 'Friendly URLs' off and in Preferences > Images, they are written as "large_default". Please note, that I have renamed my theme folder to 'default' as well.


The shop address is http://www.dukas.com.gr/shop/

Edited by parisk90 (see edit history)
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for the first you should regenerate thumbnails in preferenes->images


I did a fresh clean install of the latest versions, I got the same problem, even after renaming the images from small_default to small_luxe, etc which luxe is my theme and then doing regenerating all thumbnails :(


Have a look http://dukas.com.gr/shop/index.php?id_product=5&controller=product&id_lang=1

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I correctly followed the instructions, but it seems not working. I went to the folder and the subfolders and inside they are not the images. Isnt this strange?? How can I point them to the correct folders? Also I contacted PrestaShop since they are the developers of my Luxe theme.

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Hi parisk90, I suggest that you install a fresh copy of on a localhost and then install the theme again. Let me know if that works for you.


But I just did that about half an hour before. All fresh clean installed, for 2nd time :(

Also this time I tried to upload the luxe.zip theme through Import/Export theme module, and it says 'Bad configuration file' and doesnt allow me to upload it through computer...

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Hey, PrestaShop did not develop this theme. Please use this link to contact the developer of this theme. https://addons.prest...id_product=5514


Well, I did a third fresh install and everything seems to work fine guys, apart from one thing, as you can see. Pictures are showing up, apart when I click on the product, I can see all the thumbnails but not the main, big product image. Can you help in this issue please? Check here http://dukas.com.gr/...oduct&id_lang=1


PS: My friend who works on Windows, Firefox, can see the product picture. In Mac, Safari, not.

Edited by parisk90 (see edit history)
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I was having the same issues with Prestashop v1.5.4.1 on a fresh install and could see that the generated image path did NOT match the actual image path and thus the "?" and missing images. I fixed this by disabling "Friendly URL's" and then did a quick search for "Viewed Products Image Missing" to find the fix for the last remaining missing image.


The Fix:

1. go to "Preferences" "SEO & URLs" > "Set up URLs"

2. "Friendly URL" select "NO"

3. Refresh your FO page and the images should be back

4. If you do not have root access to your server ask your host to Activate Mod Rewrites and then you may select YES for "Friendly URL" again.



(I had this warning: "URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server, or it is not possible to check your server configuration. If you want to use Friendly URLs, you must activate this mod)



The "Viewed Products Missing Image" Fix: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/243696-solved-viewed-products-show-question-mark-ps-1541/page__p__1206807__hl__viewed%20products%20image%20missing__fromsearch__1?do=findComment&comment=1206807

Edited by KSteele (see edit history)
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Hi KSteele, yes you are right. Sometimes Server security settings may not allow PrestaShop to read the server configurations regarding mod_rewrite. It's always important to check with your hosting provider, sometimes that warning may not be accurate.


I'll mark this thread as SOLVED. Thanks for the support.

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