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Product Pack Question

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I was under the impression that when I created a product pack of several products that when the customer added this package item to a cart it would automatically add the linked products in the pack. For example if I listed a stereo player with headphones as a part of the package when they bought the headphone pack the headphones would also show in the cart. I require this because I sell software in my store and certain products require a maintenance contract. I noticed that on the Prestashop Advanced Pack - 4 demo the pack works that way. Do I have to buy a module to enable this functionality? Thanks, Jim

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I got this working by purchasing a module. I got the Products Pack by Keutche. I have to say that he was most helpful. As most stores mine is customized. I have to hide prices for users not logged in because of my vendors but this is only for certain products. So the Pack module had to work with that other customization. Keutche did a remote control session and spent about two hours on this with me. We had other problems unrelated to his Products Pack module like some messed up database entries. But he got it going. Now I have a master Pack product and a list of sub-products below that. You can only add the pack product to the cart. I added notes to the other products explaining that these could only be purchases in a pack. It works the way I wanted and I am happy. Send business to Keutche it was a great investment. If you want to see it browse http://store.ufcinc.com to see what I mean. Jim

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