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Could NOT go through after choosing the shipping method ! HELP! (image attached)

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my version is PrestaShop™


this is the first step




the second




the third




the forth, after chosen a shipping method, then click next. it couldnt go through. however, the page is just the same as the third step after it flash. (ps: link has changed)




it ought to be like this




Just wanna get the Payment page, but it cant.



will appreciate if anyone can help

Edited by mollyhuhu (see edit history)
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select the payment method is mandatory, only if you have free products you cna skip this. or you want to select by default the bankwire?


sorry that I've misexpressed the meaning.

I mean the it just stay on the shipping method page.

the link has a little bit change, but still the same page. that's the problem.

and I wanna go to the payment page, but just can't do that.

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You want to skip the payment page? How do you expect your customers to pay? via phone or walk in? Please explain what you are trying to accomplish. So far, it seems your checkout process is acting normally.


sorry, i mean that I've tested it, and try to get the payment page, but it just couldn't approach. that's the issue.

would you pls help? here is my site, http://www.vartismedia.com

will appreciate if you can test and tell us the solution.


Edited by mollyhuhu (see edit history)
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i see. Go to preferences, orders and select one page checkout


thanks, my friend.

I've select one page checkout, but when I test it, another problem occured.

There is even no Payment Module, I've installed the bankwire, but nothing showed when i test it.

Here is the photo.


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