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(SOLVED) no left column in payment confirmation page

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I addpted default theme to my purpose. I have all web with 2 columns.


The problem is that can not see any module in left column in confirmation page. The left column is there, but empty. Do anybody ahve any ide why? All modules have no dispay restrictions, so I do not know why is left comumn just in confirmation page.



Edited by cerkoxxl (see edit history)
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First of all I want to say really sorry for my late reaction. I was few day off without any connection to PC world.



this column doesn't appear only with paypal module, or with other payment methods too?

can you check it, please?


Thank you, I checked it and it appears just on paypall confirmation page.






add this to global.css

body#order #center_column {width:905px;}

body#order #right_column {display:none;}

body#order #left_column {display:block;}


Thank you, but code you have written is issue of dispaying left, right and center colum and this is not problem about dispaing left column. As I mentioned the left colum is there just empty, so it is like you are delete all module form left column. The left colum has proper display: block atribute.



It could be possible the module is not hooked to the left column of the confirmation page.

Thank you. You know, the modules on left column is set for every page, so the same list of modules should be dispayed on index page, product page and also confimation page (of cource if you do not use dispay restriction and I did not us any).

Edited by cerkoxxl (see edit history)
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can you use {debug} in the paypal template file (payment) and then check what you've got in the HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN ? You will see popup with information about variables / constants


I tried to read more about debuging but I did not found any normal information about it. I fond module http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/147440-module-debug-v12-enable-debug-from-back-office-ps1315/ I Installed it, and no bug was appeared.

I also tried to copy code {debug} to top of order-confirmation.tpl form paypal module and also nothing appears. I do not know If my procedure was correct or not.. However I realize that we have the same files order-confirmation.tpl. One in themes folder and one in paypal folder. Both are same just the paypal one has additionally information about paypal payment. But no difference for displaying any column or modules.


So does not have connection with fact that the bank by wire module and cash on delivery use the file from theme and paypal module use own order-confirmation.tpl which is in completely different folder that theme folder?

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inside your paypal folder there is a controller override, so you need to edit 'modules/paypal/controller/front/submit & confirm'.php's

and look for:

public $display_column_left = false;

and change to:

public $display_column_left = true;


haven't tested it , but it seem logic

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My problem is the other way.


I don't want to show the left column on the paypal conirmation page.

submit.php and confirm.php are both showing: public $display_column_left = false;


Still the left column is showing up. This only happens with the paypal module.

I cannot figure out why.


Someone has an idea?

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I have installed the following


1.Payment by cheque




3.Cash on delivery


I have given all permissions of countries , Users , products to all the above. However none of the payment options are visible when I try to purchase a product. The payment gateway 5 page method works fine with all pages loading and the final page shows the total amount with the taxes but no payment option visible  as it used to before.

I have the following enabled 

public $display_column_left = true;


in all my payment plugins


and also they are hooked to the following

1. displayPayment

2. displayPaymentEU

3. displayPaymentReturn


I think there is no left and right column enabled on my payment page. there seems to be just the center column.

Also i tried to open the global.css to change the width of the column to see if that helped . However it was such a lengthy code that i didnt know where to add the following

body#order #center_column {width:500px;}

body#order #right_column {width:500px;}
body#order #left_column {display:none;} 


what changes should i make and how should i make .Please explain in detail . Many users seem to have this issue.

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  • 1 year later...

inside your paypal folder there is a controller override, so you need to edit 'modules/paypal/controller/front/submit & confirm'.php's

and look for:


and change to:



haven't tested it , but it seem logic


Thank you very much, that's exactly what happened,


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