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(SOLVED) BUG in colors and sizes?

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Hi everyone.
A strange situation in presta 1.2, or a BUG?... I have products with different colors, different size and different price, withprices depending only of the color.. When I introduce the color selector alone (in the combinations), the prices change normally in frontend, but if I introduce the size selector, the price doesn't change anymore...even if I try to make all possible combinations between color, size and price.
Please, check both situations in my site here, and look at the price: http://www.paraglidingstore.net/product.php?id_product=11 <- here price is ok
but here-> http://www.paraglidingstore.net/product.php?id_product=10 price doesn´t change anymore, and it tells that product is not available... it seems that presta it is not able to do the correct relation between the color and size, with price, or may be in consequence of the quantities or the procedure to bild the combination is wrong. Someone have an idea of what can be? Probably something wrong with my procedures. Any help would be welcome and very apreciated.

Thanks to all in advanced


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