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Back Office > Tools > CMS resetting ids

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Somehow the page with id "cms.php?id_cms=3" got deleted in the set up of my website & now I cannot recreate it but the Terms and Conditions link on the bottom left of the home page is hard coded to point to "cms.php?id_cms=3".


Any ideas how I can either change this coding to the new id number for the page which would be cms.php?id_cms=9 or change the id number for this page to 3 in the

back office>tools>cms part of the back office?




Note - I am a very novice PrestaShop user !

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so, it is non-default theme with non-deault modules


you should go to the modules -> modules and search for module named: "tmfooterlinks" / footer links


after that - try to edit it by clicking on "configure" button

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in this case you probably have to edit the module .tpl file located in /modules/ directory.

Please, log in into your FTP, go to the /modules/ and search for tmfooterlinks module, then open the .tpl file. Paste the code here an we will see what you have to change

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OK - here it is:

<p><div id="tmfooterlinks">


<h4>{l s='Information' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</h4>


<li><a href="contact-form.php">{l s='Contact' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>

<li><a href="cms.php?id_cms=1">{l s='Delivery' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>

<li><a href="cms.php?id_cms=2">{l s='Legal Notice' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>

<li><a href="cms.php?id_cms=3">{l s='Terms and conditions' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>

<li><a href="cms.php?id_cms=4">{l s='About us' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>




<h4>{l s='Our offers' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</h4>


<li><a href="new-products.php">{l s='New products' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>

<li><a href="best-sales.php">{l s='Top sellers' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>

<li><a href="prices-drop.php">{l s='Specials' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>

<li><a href="manufacturer.php">{l s='Manufacturers' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>

<li><a href="supplier.php">{l s='Suppliers' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>




<h4>{l s='Your Account' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</h4>


<li><a href="my-account.php">{l s='Your Account' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>

<li><a href="identity.php">{l s='Personal information' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>

<li><a href="addresses.php">{l s='Addresses' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>

<li><a href="discount.php">{l s='Discount' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>

<li><a href="history.php">{l s='Order history' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>



<p>©2011 {l s='Powered by' mod='tmfooterlinks'} <a href="

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as you can see above, you've got links there, they are hardcoded.


change the:


<li><a href="cms.php?id_cms=3">{l s='Terms and conditions' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>




<li><a href="cms.php?id_cms=9">{l s='Terms and conditions' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>

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I've tried this & it is still showing as trying to reference cms.php?id_cms=3


I have tried resetting the module in the Front Office area in Modules & I've tried Disabling it & then re-Enabling it. Should I Uninstall the module & then re-install it do you think?



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