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Call Gallery Images Module from TopMenu button ?

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I have a Gallery Images module (jgalleryview2) installed and working well in the home page.


But I dont' want to display it in the home page, I need to display only when I click a button in the topmenu (ie: a CMS page button, or other)


How can I do it?


I'm desperate!!!

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1. version 1.5.3

2. I use the default prestashop topmenu

3. Right now, I'm still working on localhost in the new web, but you can take look the old store in:

www.touchbynoah.com (spanish)


I would like to include a button next to 'Contacto' where I can show the gallery in the Center Column


I guess I need to modify php, tpl of the gallery, and maybe the FrontController.php and blocktopmenu ?

But I don't know how to do it


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