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I have some items that I do not want to show to people who are not logged in to my shop. Is there some way I can hide these products from visitors. I do not want to use a paid plugin if possible.



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There is no built in way to do that.


You can check if a customer is logged, and hide a link / page, but you would need some knowledge of PHP and smarty to do it.


Otherwise, there are modules that allow that, such as http://www.prestashop.com/forums/index.php?/topic/439[spam-filter]module-private-shop-hide-your-shop-or-prices-from-non-registered-users-entire-shop-or-parts/

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Thanks Presto. I found a way you can do this through the back end and will show it here in case some one else wants to do it.


Go to Catalogue > categories > edit. Go to bottom group access click only customer.


Then only customers would see the category which I would have the products in, that I want to hide from the public.

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