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[solved] Catalog mode causes logo problems

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Hi, I realize that if I turn the the catalog mode in my shop, the entire logo and search bar simply merges with the navigation menu. Why is this happening? I had this problem before, but I solve it by removing the top 30x thing in the global.css


How do I fix this? Please help me, I'm switching my retail store to wholesale so am going to use prestashop as an online catalog.


My website: http://www.tiempoerotico.com/index.php


It wont be under maintenance or anything so you can see the issue.



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it's because in "catalog mode" there is no cart (from block user info module).

in this case modification of css is necessary. here is the solution:


open /modules/blocktopmenu/css/superfish-modified.css

add padding-top:40px; to:


.sf-contener {

clear: both;

padding-top: 40px;


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I tried with 40px but the top menu goes further down.

I set it to 20px or 10px (no difference). Is it because I have set the header logo to 160px maybe?


yes, everything is okay. If you want to remove issue with overlaping menu, you have to move it down

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Hello all, thank you for reporting this issue to me.


Here is the solved Bug Report, same Forge Report that is linked in this thread. (Yes, making legitiment forge reports and letting me know works!)


I was PM'd this forge report from eTiendas and I reported it to our team who fixed it.




Hope everyone is having a good day.








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Hello all, thank you for reporting this issue to me.


Here is the solved Bug Report, same Forge Report that is linked in this thread. (Yes, making legitiment forge reports and letting me know works!)


I was PM'd this forge report from eTiendas and I reported it to our team who fixed it.




Hope everyone is having a good day.









Works 100%! Thank you.

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