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[solved] Ghost category, can't delete it.

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Only be careful, as it seems there are children hanging onto this category number (see breadcrumb path in jpg )

Check first if the category ID is not used as a parent for others! Ten you have to change those first and link them to another.


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Hi Rich, do you have a link to your site??



if you know category ID - you can try to delete it right from database.

Have you got an access to some database manager like phpmyadmin ?

Only be careful, as it seems there are children hanging onto this category number (see breadcrumb path in jpg )

Check first if the category ID is not used as a parent for others! Ten you have to change those first and link them to another.



Thank you everyone for your reply. I did find a solution i think, I deleted the category "Airsoft Rifles" and the sub categories and then recreated them and re-linked the products. It seems to have worked. I will repost if it haunts me again.

Once again, Thank You


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