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Hi There

I am trying to add language - Traditional Chinese and I am totally lost


while in localization//languages/edit


I try to upload no picture image , I have made one similar to en.jpg

2 errors

  1. An error occurred while copying no-picture image to your product folder.
  2. An error occurred while copying "No picture" image to your manufacturer folder


I try upload the flag image, I check directory /img/I/ all other cuntry flag named 1,2,3,4,5,6 so I check the flag name to 7.jpg or hk.jpg

An error occurred while updating object. lang ()



Localization separator_breadcrumb.png Countries


i click Hong Kong edit


/var/zpanel/hostdata/imazecorp/public_html/shop_imazecorp_com/cache/class_index.php is not writable, please give write permissions (chmod 666) on this file.

at line 132 in file classes/Autoload.php


126. $content = '<?php return '.var_export($classes, true).'; ?>';


128. // Write classes index on disc to cache it

129. $filename = $this->root_dir.Autoload::INDEX_FILE;

130. if ((file_exists($filename) && !is_writable($filename)) || !is_writable(dirname($filename)))

131. throw new PrestaShopException($filename.' is not writable, please give write permissions (chmod 666) on this file.');

132. else

133. {

134. // Let's write index content in cache file

135. // In order to be sure that this file is correctly written, a check is done on the file content

136. $loop_protection = 0;

so I change class_index.php permission to 666, no luck at all , same error


I have go thru



but I cannot get answer, can someone give me clear steps of how to set up language, Many Thanks a Lot/Den

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  On 5/13/2013 at 6:38 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

HI, you can do this by adding it through Localization>Translations>Add or Update Language>Chinese-Traditional.

Thank you Benjamin, no luck!!! when i select Language Chinese Traditional -add or update a language


Archive cannot be extracted. what Should I do

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I just successfully added the langauge. There must be a problem with how you tried to add the language before.


The way that you first tried to add the language was not correct. It is strange that it is not working for you, and mine is working. Try to delete and remove any languages you added before.

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  On 5/13/2013 at 7:16 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

I just successfully added the langauge. There must be a problem with how you tried to add the language before.


The way that you first tried to add the language was not correct. It is strange that it is not working for you, and mine is working. Try to delete and remove any languages you added before.

Hi, I have deleted the Chinese traditional and add again problem existed


3 errors

  1. An error occurred while copying no-picture image to your product folder.
  2. An error occurred while copying "No picture" image to your manufacturer folder
  3. The field language_code is invalid. (iso_code zh, Language_code zh_TW, is that corrected)

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  On 5/13/2013 at 8:11 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

No Problem. I actually mean post #2 of this thread.


Here it is. http://www.prestasho...ost__p__1224601


Please forgive for the stupid question,

I do in

(Translation exchange)


Localization>Translations>Add or Update Language>Chinese-Traditional.

i got these

Archive cannot be extracted. what's wrong with me , maybe this is another stupid question. thanks

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