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Low speed of Presta

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I was upgraded presta 1.5.3 to and I have a big problem with speed of my shop.

At first, I must tell, that the static index page in html loading faster than my home page of shop.

What I can to improve speed of ps?

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Hmm, I think, that the problem is solved. Week ago I bought memcached from my hosting company and I tried it with prestashop. Yesterday, when I changed cache system to APC the problem disappeared. And now, I have one question - is there any solutions to use two cache systems in presta at once? And where can I find a tutorial to correct configuration memcached in presta?

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As far as I've tested I could not get an performance improvement from memcached neither apc. I would test if you really gain performance or not. I already posted this on the bug tracker and hope someone will improve these mechanisms.

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