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Layered Navigation Module - Color Attributes Not Displaying

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Hello everyone,


not sure if this is the correct part of the forums to post this topic, but as this is not related to any independent theme I may be coding, as it fails with the default theme too, I thought about putting it in the general forum.


My point is, when installing the prestashop, it automatically creates some products, attributes and values so we can start testing the product. The thing is that the attribute "Color" has little squares with the actual color on them when displayed with the "Layered Navigation Module". Until here, everything correct.


The problem comes when you create a new attribute, also colors, and you reindex the attributes, put it in the layered module, and create some products that match those attributes. Then, the layered navigation module shows a normal checkbox, not the texture or the color (as shown perfectly inside the product page).


At first I thought that it was because I had put textures, but even if I put textures to the original "color" attribute, it displays the texture perfectly. I tried to create different new color attributes, for testing, only with colors, with new textures, everything... But nothing that is not the original "color" attribute shows on this module with the little square preview.


Can anyone help me out?


Thanks a lot


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Have you already set Color Interior and Color Exterior to display attribute type by color?

On the backend goto Catalog / Attributes and Values

Then click the Edit button for your Color attribute.

There you can set the attribute type to Color (as opposed to say radio buttons), which will then let you assign The Color blocks to the "Values" aka colors in this case.


To show values click on the + button related to your appropriate Catalog / Attributes


For trouble shooting, start with a few html colors, then try textures as needed.


By looking at your attached pic, it appears "Color" is setup how you want, but "Color Interiors" and "Color Exteriors" are not.

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Yes, I tried as you say djmonkeyboy. From the beginning they were correctly created (the attributes). Just in case, I recreated them, just with HTML hex colors, but it is the same. Only the original color attribute is displayed with squares when in layere navigation block...

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Ahh sorry I'm out of much help then unless it is like a cache thing.


But as a DEV side note, a little weird how one can have an attribute set to radio button display, but layered navigation can be set to display as color blocks anyway. So kind of a pain to have to toggle the attribute to color block mode to set the color. It should just always be a displayed option under value settings, and toggled elsewhere to be displayed or not.

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Had similar problem after running clear prestashop module, in database table "ps_attribute_group" parameter "is_color_group" by default is set to "0", and there is no way (at least I didn't found any) to change it via back end. So You need to edit database directly.


After changing this parameter to 1, color squares are displayed correctly in layered navigation, not as check boxes.


The same can be done for a second color attribute group.




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