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Keep getting random TECHNICAL ERROR pop-ups

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I'm all of a sudden starting to see "TECHNICAL ERROR:" error message pop-ups on my site.


Yesterday it started happening while I was trying to update the quantity of a product in my cart and got "TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save update quantity". I was able to resolve it by clearing my cookies but now I'm getting the same error message while I am trying to save my contact information during one-page checkout. It's now popping up a message saying "TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save addresses".


What is going on here? Only thing I can think of is I recently enabled SSL. And since this is a test domain the certificate is for my current websites domain name. Could this be the issue?


Website: www . incontishop . com


I'm on PS 1.5.2.




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I was just able to save an address during the guest checkout.


I see your SSL is not valid, that may be the issue.


You can install firebug for firefox, turn it on, and try to reproduce the error, if you can, look in the console, and expand the ajax request that returns an error (not 200 OK) and see if there is more info there



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Thank you so much for the response tomerg3! I will install firebug for firefox and give that a try...


Right now I'm not able to reproduce the error again either. That's what I meant by it was just happening randomly the past few days. I'll grab a screen shot next time.



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Ok, since I don't have firefox installed on my computer right now and I'm at work, I opened the console in Chrome after this latest error message and I'm seeing the following error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) e


And here is a screenshot of the error message http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/507/erroraf.jpg/

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A screenshot of just the alert is useless, need to see the ajax response.


Firefox generally provides more info....


You can try to check your server's main error log and see the exact error (error 500 is generic)

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