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Center column suddenly appeared under Left column

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Dear all,


Few days ago, my center column suddenly dislocated without me disturbing any codes behind, and has since then appeared nested under left column. From my header.tpl file, the center column div is still after closing the left column div. But from the Firebugs view, the center column div is now nested within the left column div. What could be wrong? I really need help to solve this. Thanks so much hear from any of you soon please.

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Hi tomerg3 and vekia,


You were right. It's my Special block. I disabled it and the display all went back to normal. But why does this happen suddenly? It was working well previously and only last few days this happened.

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<!-- MODULE Block specials -->

<div id="special_block_right" class="block products_block exclusive blockspecials">

<a href="{$special.link}" alt="Gain Today's Strength™ : {$special.legend|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" title="Gain Today's Strength™ : {$special.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}">

<div id="strength_header"><img src="{$img_ps_dir}strength.gif" alt="Gain Today's Strength™ : {$special.legend|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" title="Gain Today's Strength™ : {$special.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" />



<div id="post_title">{$special.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}</div>

<div id="post_date">{$special.description_short}</div>

<div id="post_short">{$special.description|truncate:230:'...'}</div>

<a href="{$special.link}" alt="Gain Today's Strength™ : {$special.legend|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" title="Gain Today's Strength™ : {$special.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}">

<div id="cont_reading">{l s='Continue reading >>' mod='blockspecials'}</div>



<!-- /MODULE Block specials -->

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i have to say that this code looks well :|


you pasted content of blockspecials.tpl from modules/blockspecials/ or from themes/your_theme/blockspecials ?

Im asking, because if second file exist - you have to paste code from it (not from /modules/)

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Yes vekia, these codes are taken from my blockspecials.tpl file under my_theme/modules/blockspecials


Hmm so what is wrong.. :( Because the layout issue started after I added the 6th product at Back Office. So far all my products are just these "Gain Today's Strength" posts. So each day each product will be "special" and get displayed under the blockspecials

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Yes vekia, these codes are taken from my blockspecials.tpl file under my_theme/modules/blockspecials


Hmm so what is wrong.. :( Because the layout issue started after I added the 6th product at Back Office. So far all my products are just these "Gain Today's Strength" posts. So each day each product will be "special" and get displayed under the blockspecials


does the blockspecials.tpl file exist in the themes/your_theme/modules/blockspecials/ directory? If so, please paste content of this file here

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