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How to list random products from random category in search block

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In presta i trying this and no succes: Please if some one who make a same can tell me somthing about if i use a right way to do this.


Going to edit




there is a line of code i use when no one product found by search

this found in


public function initContent()
'products' => array(),
'search_products' => array(),
'pages_nb' => 1,
'nbProducts' => 0));
 $this->context->smarty->assign(array('add_prod_display' => Configuration::get('PS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY_DISPLAY'),
'comparator_max_item' => Configuration::get('PS_COMPARATOR_MAX_ITEM')));


So as i can see i need here to get some category and products and pass them to smarty array for output in search.tpl or include there a product-list.php.


my code get random products from random category:



$categories = array(4,5,6);
			foreach ($cat_id as $id) {

// create category object
				$categories = new Category($id);
//get all active product in my case 316
				$product_total = $categories->getProducts((Context::getContext()->language->id), 1, 9999,null,null,true,true);

//no i try to randomize the start product number for getting product in next operation
				$num_prod = rand(1,($product_total-12));
//here as i thik it need
				$products = $categories->getProducts((Context::getContext()->language->id), $num_prod, 12);

				var_dump($products);die;  //and array $products is empty....



array $products sometimes return array of products but some times is empty....

what i do wrong? what i miss? is is another way to do this?



-------------------- MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS --------------------------


is this correct way to get category like this for use this to get products?


$categories = new Category(4); 


this is work

$products = $categories->getProducts((Context::getContext()->language->id), 1, 12);


but when i try to use different values like i need in randomize case


this sometimes return empty array...

$products = $categories->getProducts((Context::getContext()->language->id), RANDOM, 12);


is this correct way to get products like this?


$products = $categories->getProducts((Context::getContext()->language->id), 1, 12);

Edited by anseme (see edit history)
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