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Funny Sales Tax Fix

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Hi there,


I'm using Prestashop 1.5.4. I've discovered that Prestashop has some unusual ways of presenting sales tax (perhaps this is a regional issue). For example:

  • Product pages will show the total price w/sales tax, when the site knows your shipping address. Typically, on Amazon.com and every other site I've used and worked-on, the price displayed on product pages, search results, and catalog pages is pre-tax.
  • On the order detail, there is no separate sales-tax line. Instead, the sales tax is included in the line-item price of products.
  • On the order emails, there is no separate line for sales-tax. Instead, the tax is added to the line-item price of each item.
  • And to make it really confusing, the shopping cart shows a separate sales tax line, but it also shows the product prices with the sales tax. That causes the right column totals to not add up to the final price.

I've searched the forums and Google for solutions. Some seem really complex. Others are for other sales tax issues, like the calculations. There doesn't seem to be one recipe for what seems like a ***huge*** issue. Am I missing something? Is there a checkbox somewhere for "Make it show tax like a traditional US ecommerce site" or maybe an add-on that fixes this?


Thanks for any help you can provide.


Best regards,


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