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[SOLVED] Layered Navigation questions

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Hello Friends,


I am still getting used the way in which PrestaShop function, so far I can see that it offers great functionality even from a standard install.


I have decided to use the Layered Navigation system as the secondary navigational method to use the website ( the primary method will be modified mega menu) i like the way it offers filtering by features, this is great.


I have noticed that in order to fully filter using the layered nav in a parent category i need to add all products from the sub categories to the parent category (I need to have sub categories as part of the layered nav).


Will this cause any performance issues? having the same 3k products in the parent and child categories, whilst using 1 layered navigation to filter them all?


It seems strange that i have to add the same products to both parent and child categories in order to filter correctly.


Sorry if this is not very clear :/



Edited by RCP90 (see edit history)
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Just an update, I discovered that the layered navigation does work correctly, filtering products on all levels of sub category from the parent category, and that product do not need to be duplicated in order to filter correctly, i just had to build attribute index and build URL index in the layered navigation config.


After each change I make to each Layered Navigation Template I now just run the index rebuild and the filters work correctly. I will create cron jobs to do this each night as well.


I also had another problem, once I had selected various filters, and went back to category the filters would be deselected and sometime the products form category would disappear, running the index rebuilds fixed this also.

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